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woensdag 18 november 2015

London Life

The Monday when my dear friend Steffie left me.. I went to WalkAbout in the evening. It was a lot of fun! The new girl in our corridor, Emeline from France, went with us. I met also a girl from the Netherlandse, Clair, she is from Scheveningen so that is really close! It was a wonderful night, but on the other hand, the next day is terrible. 

On Wednesday the 11th, we went bowling with the BSC. Despite on not winning that night, it was a lot of fun with my classmates. Only one point between me and Lucas, who finished first place in my team. This was the second time I went bowling and sadly enough also my last time with the school.

The rest of the week I went to school, studied at home, watching episodes of One Three Hill and Once Upon a Time, went out on Friday to Koko.. what was terrible, because the music was really bad! I wasn't expecting that, normaly the music is really good. 

Exploring London
I only have a few weeks left in London, what is really a shame. So, sometimes, when I am alone and don't like to sit inside or had enough of my homework, I go outside and do some exploring. On Sunday I went to Covent Garden, everybody was talking about it, so I had to see it. There was is huge Christmas tree and a lot of lights. It was really crowded, but it gave me a warm and cosy feeling. 

I don't mind to go somewhere alone, I excually enjoy it. On Monday I went to see the Millenium Bridge, I went here before with my parents, almost ten years ago. If you have seen the Harry Potter series, you know that the Bridge is shown in 'Harry Potter and the half-blood prins' (part 6), when the Dead Eaters attack the bridge. I made some terrific pictures of the bridge and also from the Catherdal nearby. I didn't knew St. Paul's Cathedral was there too, and holy macaroni, what a stunning building! AND INSIDE.. breathtaking! 

Mock Exam
Monday till Wedsnesday we had the mock exam on school. That means that we had to make the exam, to see how far you are. It was horrible! I have to buy some earplugs, or else I will be a crazy person after the real exam on the 12th of December. Ok, these last day went 'ok'. Use of English is still my weak point, BUT writing, speaking, reading en listening went fine. Offcourse I still have a lot of practise to do. On the other hand, I liked to do the mock exam, because now I know how it will go on the 5th and 12th of December for the real exam. 

On Wednesday there was again, a kind of excursion with the BSC. We went ice-skating! It was so much fun! In total we where with 8 people. Earlier that day it had been raining, so the rink was totally wet, more like a swimmingpool. At the rink you could take picture, offcourse we did that a lot, hilarious! 

 Tomorrow Niels is coming, to visit me in London.. OR he is just using me as an excuse, because it is his first time in London! And on Saturday Rochella en Esther are coming to London aswell. It will be a marvelous weekend with a lot of fun and laughter! 

1 opmerking:

  1. I inow you have a lot of fun. Have a nice weekend. Kiss from your mother
